
I took a chance on Crying Suns cause I wanted a good time waster on mobile.

Big mistake.

This game had consumed my soul. Guys it's so effin good. Imagine the rogue-like nature of FTL with the combat of the old Heroes of Might and Magic games.

I know, I know, but somehow it works, and works so good.

Crying Suns (2019) - Alt Shift Games

10/10 highly recommended.

@Hobyrim what are you playing it on more? PC or mobile? Are there more features on the PC version? Do they sync?

@ShrewLWD no sync between the two. PC version has more features because there is some DLC. I would prefer the PC version because sometimes the mobile font is hard to read sometimes.

However I don't get to use my PC much anymore without "helpers", so I have been playing exclusively on mobile.

It's still a great gaming experience.

@Hobyrim I used to love Heroes Might and Magic back in the day. Probably still got a copy sitting about somewhere 👍

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