@EnochianEntropy Both. I'm in solemn contemplation of Life in general, and reflection on the last year, with its losses and pain; but also the Beauty, and Love, and Life.

In my life, I've personally carried more than 12 people I've loved on my shoulders to the grave. Despite all that loss, nearly dying at the hands of a drunk driver myself, and years of abuse at the hands of a woman I THOUGHT loved me...

I've come to the feeling that Life should be lived as long as you can. 1/2



Fight, Claw, and Scratch for every minute you have of Life. There is NOTHING more precious than living, no matter HOW MUCH pain you're in. Pain lets you know that you truly lived...and that you are STILL ALIVE. Cherish your loved ones. Tell them you love them. Take pictures now while you can. You never know when you will lose them. Show Gratitude that you and others are together.


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