Slightly belated #introductions . I've kept my Twitter account (same name) laser focused on #haiku & #micropoetry to both stay sane & under trolls' radar. May branch out a bit here to other interests, including #cooking , #gardening , #mushrooms (wild & gourmet), and other various & sundry.
@AnnetteTRemain Thanks! Any tags you recommend? Still building my feeds...
@HaikuHedgehog @AnnetteTRemain check out @realDDGlover ’s tl- she maintains a list of the hashtags most commonly used.
@HaikuHedgehog I haven't played with tags yet. I did follow socotips and downloaded their user guide. You're ahead of me. I think mine would be #history #news #gardening #orchids #hoya #victorygardens. I don't know how many are using tags out here yet. It's a road to discovery.
@HaikuHedgehog Welcome!