@DarksideStraxus with common sense rules similar to pre-Elon?
Joni Ernst has give America the middle finger with her policies.
As the penalty Iowa lost first in the nation caucus status.
@The_USA_Singers Paul Gosar should have a much different job. Be one of the volunteer photo "victims" for American Gothic. He and the original subject were both dentists and he LIKES pitchforks.
@Waldo06 lol
@Priestess WTF? Shenanigans at the power station???
@JohnnyGenX the last time Matt had ANY credit at all, his dad was still working for the NBC affiliate in New York.
@JohnMaun and the "incident" in Montreux that delayed this album.
Bring back the talking filibuster. If you can’t impersonate Jimmy Stewart, you can’t hold up a vote.
@DianeH @DungeonMaster had to recently. No thanks to the residents of Molson Stadium at McGill U
@JohnFugelsang ROFL
@praet0rian come on, you knew when the groups were set that if you didn't win the group this was the likely result.
@JohnnyGenX kicking Iowa out of first in the nation group should have been done long ago.
We tolerate New Hampshire, the state law will have to either go, be declared unconstitutional and given this SCOTUS they would do that in a minute, or delegate count be penalized over it.
All we ask is that be in the first group of primaries not the first primary.
@Marlowe2 especially after COVID which is an automatic week of stay away.
@FrankCannon lol
More info on the shooting from earlier.
Unruly patron had a gun.
Retired cop had a gun.
Why couldn’t the retired cop have had a taser?
Circling back to unruly patron with a gun, not everyone should have a firearm, especially if you have a short fuse and your thought after being escorted from a restaurant for being a dick is to go to your vehicle and grab your gun, YOU SHOHLD NOT HAVE A FUCKING GUN.
Another story of fucked around and found out.
@scottyorange makes me wonder what the source material for willow 2.0 is. If it's the Lucas/ Claremont books from two decades ago that promises to be interesting.
Jack of many trades, master of none from the East Coast of North America.
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