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When I was in middle school, I had a breakdown and nearly ended up in a mental health facility because I was convinced I was absolutely going insane.

This was, due mostly in part to being an , a , having some (mainly because I learned differently from others), having , and a few other things that straddled the boundary. It was all fantasy back then, unknown, not researched, not acknowledged.


G'Morn! Screaming for yrs; finally being validated; told things I already knew were real & also mind boggling things that I don't remember. It may take awhile to find out all I need to know. The floodgates have opened & my insatiable thirst for this knowledge, is now consuming my 🧠 Not in a negative way, but in the way a student'sl fixated on a subject that intrigues them.

Got other things going on running me bonkers 😅 kids, G'kids, yada yada, but Blessed to be alive once more❣️Enjoy ya day😘

I've only known of @th3j35t3r since joining coso. In those six years, I've never seen 'em go "on the offensive" as it were, until now and it's because a cosonaut's Mum got scammed.
This is a person who cares deeply about ordinary people. No other social media space is run by someone who genuinely gives a shit about its users.

Why would you go *anywhere* else?

Also, apart from financial difficulty, why would you *not* have a pro account?

Love ya J ❤️

Kiddo bk home. I am too; Yaaaassssss! I'm worn out; cold or allergies; immune system suffering a bit as I knew it would be after being around hospitals & school aged Gkids all week. My G'kids say I sound like Minnie Mouse. My Hubs keeps trying not to laugh every time I talk; he'd better watch himself if he wants to make it to our 17th Anniversary (2mrw)😅. Gonna do zero for anyone but ourselves 2mrw; most years we get stuck doing something for someone somehow. Not this time! 🤔?...maybe🙏🏽🤞😅

Good Afternoon. Been busy babysitting newborn & her 2 older super active kids. Daughter w/week old infant now back in hospital; baby with her, due to breastfeeding. Daughter's BP was w/in stroke levels.

Gotta get a scooter! No way around on my own. Kiddo had me in car, trying to take me home after refusing an ambulance; thought I was gonna die; speeding & running lights! Told her let me out; I'd get home myself to Hubs! Other kiddo got me home safe🫤

G'Morn! New Granddaughter! 6lbs 6oz. Born mostly healthy; still a bit of fluid in body, & being monitored for blood sugars & jaundice stuff, but back into normal ranges as of last evening. Mom's in extra pain/bleeding, but doing better too; up by self moving around a bit; my baby dragon!

both continue to improve & that I don't pass out trying to help care for! Thanks for all your prayers; had she gone back home & stayed(Dr sent her to ER, she left), baby wouldn't have survived😲

Good Lord give me strength! Grandbaby doesn't want to wait 2 more weeks & raising Mama's BP. Baby to be scheduled C-section on 24th. Heading shortly w/kiddo to hospital. I think all should be ok...🙏🏽🤞

Corned Beef + Cabbage & Carrots + Air Fried Potatoes 🍀 🌈 Getting my Irish on.

The reason I started an incognito account on the former bird site (and here) is that I have extended family members who would get on my case about my antipathy toward Trump, his evil minions, his horrible family, and the "Conservative Christians" who hold him up as some sort of heaven sent gift.

I throttle what I post on my personal accounts because honestly, I just don't want the hassle & drama of arguing with them. But sometimes I need to vent, or talk to people who feel the same as I do.

Good morning CoSo. Returning home yesterday on a flight as I boarded I noticed a man late 80s early 90s sitting in first class. I smiled and told him good afternoon. He smiled back and greeted me in kind. I continued down the plane to my seat.
About 3 hours into the flight I, of course, had to use the lav. As I stood in the back of the plane awaiting the coveted spot I saw my elderly gentleman standing in the aisle in first class. 1/2

He beamed as he started gliding down the aisle towards me all the way on the other end of the plane. When he reached me he said "I would like to dance with you" and offered his hand. I could not resist such an offer and said "yes" so there between two lavatory doors I danced with a stranger on a plane. We finished our dance and he said "I wish you were sitting next to me we would be having fun" and he returned to his seat.
Always see amazing in others and always dance 2/2

Communicating with people on this site and I'm thinking; I could have drink with you.

Communicating with people on other SM and I'm thinking: I could throw a drink at you.

My daughter thought that these 'Variable Speed Limit' signs on Motorways meant all bets are off and you can drive up to 120mph.

Thankfully her old wreck can't go very fast.

@ProudCanadianAthiest @corlin @Timothysykes

We are a COMMUNITY. We care about each other. We listen and support each other. It's the only site I know about that does these things on a consistent basis.

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Confused Dragon 👵🏽

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.