Be intentional and knowledgeable about GoFundMe requests. Hustling is not uncommon.

I know a woman on every single platform. She pleads a different case of poverty/sadness each month customized to that site. She uses a different name on each. Her story is never repeated.

Learned she has been hustling for years and makes $3-5K a month with her sob stories. She actually bragged to me about her skills when I called her on it.

Only donate to those you know.


@LnzyHou So many do that & it annoys me because people in real need, like myself, are hesitant to share for fear of being called a scammer! Reminds me of some of those standing at intersections begging, then getting in a Cadillac or luxury car parked around a corner & then driving to a 5 star restaurant for dinner.😑

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