
I was raking leaves today in 72° Spring weather.

I raked leaves all last Summer too, in 80° & 90°weather.

Sounds strange, but yep, that's what I was doing today; raking dead leaves.

And trying to figure out how to fix/replace my scooter. Ugh; need independence again! Being cooped up is not my thing nor is always waiting on someone to drive me, like I am now.

Will figure it out soon; confused about too many things right now. Gotta take DNA test soon; need a few ? answered about childhood 🫤

@Gramdma2011 I spent most of the day in the yard raking too. It's good for the soul. I'm happy to see you today.

@phase2 @Gramdma2011

I raked tumbleweeds today. It got windy and they all blew away (which is why I was raking them).
Them blowing away is a good thing - there's not much in the direction they headed so they aren't landing in anyone's yard.

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