I'm a lazy ol' Dragon this morn. Waiting on a ride. Frustrating; hurts body getting in/out of vehicles. Bus is too much for my immune system. Closed in cars aren't a great option, but necessary to get certain meds & necessities. Miss my scooter & doing stuff myself 😢 Trying to get mine fixed or get something else, but no luck/help yet. I could have been gone & back by now! Ugh! Anyone here have a used step through ebike or seated e-scooter you'd take low monthly payments on?? Fixed income🫤

@Gramdma2011 I wonder if trying to squeeze a dragon into an ape suit is bad for the ape-suit and the dragon.

It feels like I flex and keep ripping the shoulders out of this thing.

@AskTheDevil @Gramdma2011 I know a few Dragons and they agree this whole ape suit business is a bad idea.


@NiveusLepus @AskTheDevil Ugh; I seem to have taken a long nap & my ride STILL hasn't come! Maybe tomorrow. Everyone expects me to wait on their time; I'm to be available when they need, always waiting when we need. Should have just walked, chanced the bus, or, took the pain of climbing up into the truck, tight ape suit & all!😢

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