
G'Morn!❤️🌦️Our weather can't decide between ☔or☀️; warm, a lil humid, but nice cool breeze is💨across the porch.

It's tough thinkin' round here with Hubs & I both on strong doses of Gabepentin as well as muscle relaxers; ugh🥴😅

Happy Father's Day to all who are fortunate enough to have that Joy! 🌹

😭I miscarried our twins long ago; it was a painful time for us; they would've been our only 2 together, but Hubs(& I) overcame the hurt.

If you're a Dad who's lost a child in any way, Hugs!😘

@Gramdma2011 thanks for sharing that with us. I imagine it’s a bittersweet day for you and hubs. Be well.

@catie Yes it is & thank you so much!💜We count the years; it will be 17yrs this year.

We count our Blessings; although we lost a part of ourselves, we'd be dealing with 2 teenage boys right now + our other 4 daughters + 8 Grandchildren!!!

I think God knew exactly what He was doing🥴😂😭😂

@Gramdma2011 Yeah I lost a pregnancy at 20 weeks 10 years ago. That took awhile to process. So I know that experience.

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