usually i get sick of all the christmas ads and so on

now it's all the bitching and moaning from folk about NOT being able to be with family at christmas

the same people moaning and bitching are usually the same folk who bitch and moan about being with family

ya know

"oh i wish this christmas pish would end my family are a nightmare"

they folk


@ecksmc Lots of my family's in the same city, others scattered about the country. All of us(as far as I know) are choosing to distance.

We can talk/see each other via technology.

We cook or order out everyday. We eat everyday. Some say a🙏of Thanks every day. Some talk/video every day. Some rarely talk/video, but will do so when be they want to.

We follow the safe rules; there are many Medical & Military folks in fam & we're actually Thankful to not have to gather, host, or cook large meals

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