@Gramdma2011 omg! I forgot about sloppy joes! 🙂 (immediately starts digging thru the freezer)

@catie @Gramdma2011 those are what I had for lunch and dinner yesterday lol. They were real good

@catie We are going to be too big to fit back through our doors to the outside world if this doesn't end anytime soon! I have to keep doing excercises to work off this extra weight; was losing; ugh we should share excercises along with recipes😅

@Gramdma2011 I’m now claiming the moniker plump and perfect now. Depends on how much weight I gain but I may jump up to fat and fabulous.



sorry to jump in, I never heard this expression before


@Gramdma2011 little bit of sugar tho to makes things sweet, 😉

@catie @Gramdma2011 i made these first thing when stuff started going haywire lol

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