
Hi! Found this site via Twitter. Testing it out. Was AVW @Gramdma2011 there; if you know me from there, lemme know!🤷🏽‍♀️ I'm still searching for new folks to chat with; just a nosey old lady who loves to know about everything I can😂

Was testing it out after a Twitter blackout. Nearly no posts on there since; no need; I love this place way better. And w/what Mr Musk has going on there, know the decision to move was the best one.

I keep that account, for now, because my city, fire dept, police, etc puts important info there. And to check out J's tweets. Because, still nosey🤣

@Gramdma2011 it’s all good I found out about this site on Twitter also...👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽🤣😂🤣🤣

I didn't know you from over at the bird site. but I'm happy to know you now !
Toot if you need any help, otherwise, look for people on the local TL who interest you , follow or jump into any convo or toot what interests you


Welcome Gram

Nosey you say? Careful where you put your nose. It can get kinda gassy round here. LOL

♥️ This could very well be the most welcoming social media platform in existence. You rock, Gma! ♥️ 🌹 🌹 ♥️@Gramdma2011

and hello, welcome :) @XM

@Gramdma2011 hello there Grandma Dragon nice to meet you. 👩🏻‍🦰👋

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