( I am asking all Trans folks to comment on this. I really don't know enough about what is going on here.)

"Unfortunately, most liberal 'allies' don’t know the difference between actual diverse trans people, and the misogynist activists that claim to speak for them. Most liberals don’t tolerate any critique these days, let alone cartoon critique, which is graphic and funny; nothing pisses off ideologues like humor, the ultimate 'disrespect'."



@corlin The following comes from ME and I do not claim to speak for anyone else.

When people claim 'transACTIVISTS' are misogynistic, like that disgusting link says, I want to hit them over the head with a brick. The people who claim this are the ones who feel that trans women are trying to steal womanhood or eliminate women's rights.

The trans activists I know aren't misogynists. They fight for their rights and the rights of all women. They just have to fight harder be recognized first.

@corlin I have never encountered a trans woman that tries to deny rights or existence to cis women. It's just not how we roll. (In fairness, there are probably some.) Things that affect cis women, affect us. Directly or indirectly.

Believing trans activists are misogynists only happens when you believe they aren't women and therefore are 'other than'.

We're women. We just got there using MapQuest. 🤣


Thank you for your reply.

As I said before I have little real world understanding of the modern trans experience. The thing is most of us don't. And it should not be the burden of the trans community to explain it to us.

@corlin But the willingness to understand and learn should never be met with deaf ears.

@Graci That last line is mag-fucking-nificent 🤣
I have found that if someone tells me they are a woman, and I simply believe them and treat them as I wish to be treated, the rest kind of falls into place relatively neatly.


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