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Thanks, past me, for the delicious leftovers. I appreciate the time and effort it took to make extra helpings so now I can still be lazy on a Sunday.

PSA: 15 mins can save a lot of grief. Protect those you love, especially if you are visiting someone elderly, pregnant or immunocompromised.

“After a series of crushing defeats for Russia’s military in Ukraine from the northeast to the south over the last several weeks, Russian authorities in Moscow appear to be increasingly concerned that Ukraine has set its sights on seizing back Crimea next.”

When they scrape out the data from my Birdland account, I hope they enjoy the rancid salami sandwich that is my Drafts folder.

I find it bizarre that humanity makes huge buildings to house invisible, unknowable, and very likely fictional beings, while real, living human beings live in hovels next to such religious monoliths made of marble, hard woods, & gold.

For those new Naughts looking for a Twitter substitute here at CoSo, you may be disappointed.
CoSo isn't Twitter, thankfully. It may take you a little longer to orient yourself and find those here that you click with, but it is worth it.
If you are not seeing the type of content you like, then make a post on that topic; people will soon respond.
No blue ticks here, we have celebrities on CoSo but they are just Naughts like everyone else, there's no kudos just for being famous.

The day was just like any other when, without warning, utter tragedy struck:

The barista forgot to put pumpkin spice in her latte.

At first I found the fire hose daunting- starting to realize its value. You are going to miss posts but that is alright. The real value is seeing something completely unexpected!

i believe in a science-based pandemic approach
i believe in our social safety net
i hope for truth & reconciliation
i stand by our public health care & workers
i cherish our democracy
i already live in a free country
i'm double vaxxed & boosted

Nose blowing, choking/coughing. Fairly miserable walking pneumonia.
But grateful it's not the 'vid.

Just want to publicly say a massive thank you to Jester for the work behind the scenes.

And anyone else who might be working on it as well.

You are legends. You are greatly appreciated.

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