@Beanc I was joking. Because bagels are circular.
But depending on ingredients, bread can have a long shelf life under the right conditions,and preservatives used. Doesn't mean it's healthy, necessarily.

being content > being content

It's all in where you put the accent.

Heartwarming to see nations pulling together to help those in desperate need.

Only sorry it takes a tragedy to see it.


I know I’m not the only one struggling out there, so I figured I’d pass on this hell of a deal I found at Walmart. This price, an entire Roaster Chicken, you can’t go wrong. This will feed me and I’ll have lots of extras for the dogs food to mix-in. Everywhere else I’ve looked locally has been around $9.

An excellent perspective adjuster.

And if you would be up for donating a few dollars to Kiwi KARE, they'll go to purchasing generators and heaters, among other necessities.

@JuicySonicMagic eating a burrito is like a hostage situation. You can negotiate with it, but a successful outcome is not guaranteed.

[3 am Johnny's bedroom]
*Door slowly opens, as squeaking wheels roll over floor toward the bed*

*low chuckle from the closet*

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