According to the calendar, today is the official start of winter. Which brings me to a simple question: are you ready for Christmas?
Good morning, Gary. ☕️😊
Details, yes, emotionally, not even close. But, definitely looking forward to creating new memories.
@GaryPoole Alas, no.
@GaryPoole Ready enough that the last few things won't be stressful. It'll do.
@GaryPoole Nope. Still have time. They back to me in a week.
Good Morning 🌞
@GaryPoole No. But I am ready for another coffee.
@GaryPoole sure. Planning to skip as much of the church nonsense as I can, and there are presents under the tree. Oh, and I made a few donations to charities of my choice. Not a funny answer but a truthful one.
@GaryPoole Oh very ready!