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@Gambit_1 awww…that’s sad news. He was a great actor.


Utah trolled with 4,000 hoax reports of trans bathroom ban violations within days of reporting form launch

@Gambit_1 @Keysalagain

(looks up from my TRS-80 and cassette player holding my Hammurabi game)

Eh? Whasat you said? I can't hear you over the squeal.

@Render A young Jewish woman being assaulted doesn't constitute a "credible threat of violence"?
Fuck are they waiting for? Guns?

Sparrow hatchling update: Day 3, eating & peeping. 🤞🍀

The WA GOP put it in writing that they’re not into democracy

"When people say “democracy itself is on the ballot” in this election, though, I think this is what they’re talking about."

@CJShaneArtBooks @Gambit_1

Wow… great video … no wonder my Crow took a remedial approach to teach me how to fix his food! They’re puzzlers- and I’m not- quick analysis and natural puzzle solvers. Can’t wait to see what they’ll teach me tomorrow!


This is about the "magical" side... and I hope you'll enjoy it!


Oh, I am fascinated with octopi... and highly recommend "Remarkably Bright Creatures" for a wonderful story. The book is so good... but I enjoyed the Audible version even more. This is an "experiential" story... I've listened to it 3 times in the last year. It's very zen and easy to contemplate while enjoying a very good story.

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Gambit (He/Him)

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.