
Today is a somber at our house, because 2 days ago, we unfortunately had to say goodbye to our wonderful Vincent, with whom we had the pleasure of spending 17 years, 5 months & 7 days. He was 18 years, 5 months & 1 day old when he passed. We are heartbroken. πŸ˜ΏπŸ’œπŸ’›

He had some health issues, but we were keeping him happy & stable, until he recently started to show signs of decline. His bloodwork from this week indicated that he had cancer. He was only feeling worse each day, so we made that sad choice. We miss him! 😿

Here are just a few more pics of our wonderful Vincent, who was such a sweet younger brother to his departed siblings and also an awesome older brother to all his younger siblings. Our house will not be the same! 😿

I’m so sorry you had to say goodbye to your sweet Vincent. It looks and sound like you helped him live his best life ❀️ Peace be with youπŸ™πŸΌ

@GEAUXJayna Aww, i'm so sorry.πŸ’œ I hope all the wonderful memories you have of him come to you when you need them most, and hopefully he'll send you little signs to know he's not so far away over that bridge. 🌈

@GEAUXJayna I am so sorry for your loss. Pets are family and when they pass we feel the grief so deeply. My heart is with you.

I am so very sorry. Sending you love as you journey through grief πŸ’”

@GEAUXJayna I’m so sorry, and crying with you. I feel like I know Vincent the best of all your Puttycats because you’ve share him with us for so long.
Sending my big orange guy over to greet him, show him around and offer snuggle pal companionship.

@Knitpurrl Thank you so much! I hope your big orange guy and Vincent have become fast friends. I don’t think he ever met a cat he didn’t like, so I’m guessing he’s frolicking with our other departed cats and some new friends already. πŸ’œ

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