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@singlemaltgirl That's Ned. Here he is on Christmas night, with his Christmas toy, and again back in 2014 as a pup.

@singlemaltgirl OK, I have to admit, cake is up there. And whippets.

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@YesThatStevenGrant Are you certain your replies aren't being posted? Try sending me a reply to this.

@Kendra79 Would love to get hold of the full series on streaming or dvd or whatever, but for some reason no one wants to show them.

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looks very uncomfortable, like he'd rather be at an opera.

@DarksideStraxus Absolutely, they're hilarious. Though their children dying from measles, not so much.

@DarksideStraxus On the positive side, when someone kicks off with a "derogatory woke", you already know all you need to know about them and can stop reading more, thus saving time.

Do you remember the good old days, when was the stupidest thing that Americans believed?

@CannibalHoliday Wikipedia: "Veteran"
A veteran (from Latin vetus 'old') is a person who has significant experience (and is usually adept and esteemed) and expertise in a particular occupation. Don't have to be military.

@DarksideStraxus I closed my Twitter account and later was advised it's better to delete data but leave it open, to stop others using my old ID. So I reopened it just to do that. I expect that happened a lot.

@onthelookout41 Click on the user image on a post and you'll see their profile and a Follow button.

@Jezibaba Well, OK, but I just got up, a lovely sunny day today. 😀


Hmmm. I know what you mean. Thoughts and Prayers syndrome.

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