@Helical_Code would you use the same spindle weight to 2 ply as you used to spin your singles?
Wow! Very even. So you are doing a two ply with these? As a way of controlling the tension for spindle plying, I tend to favor making a plying ball.
@Helical_Code this will be my second 2ply with these colors. The first was very chonky. I'm curious to see how this one turns out.
Looking good! It looks like you have more twists per inch in the second hank, so the thick parts puff out more. Nice effect!
@Helical_Code LOL completely unintentional as my spinning is evolving. I did try (unintentionally) to ply a z twist with an s twist yarn...THAT was fun.
@Helical_Code and then I labeled the s and z directions on my whorls.