@Notokay Honestly, it was a mixture of hilarious and deeply disturbing. Cognitive dissonance at its finest!
@XaoslordErie @FrankCannon It's a good start...
@Notokay Snigger! Edgy is good, even better when least expected. I once knew a quiet librarian who suddenly held up the local Post Office with a plastic toy gun. I didn't see that coming!
@Notokay maybe We could become a bit edgy unexpectedly?
@Florence Ooh, yes!!! Maybe we'll make enough money for your Mama to fix up her house with cat runways like in Amazing Interiors on Netflix (not otherwise recommending that show, mind--its pretty bad).
Conjoined Twins Given 2% Odds of Survival Are Now Thriving and Graduating Kindergarten
@CherNohio @FrankCannon ooh! I can't wait! 🤗 🤗
@FrankCannon @CherNohio lowering not letting. Doh!
@FrankCannon @CherNohio I apologise for letting the tone of an otherwise perfectly beautiful thread! 😊 😹
Labyrinth of Egypt might have been found. In 2008 a group from the Ghent University of Belgium, used ground penetrating radar around the Hawara pyramid of Amenemhet III, and found amazing structures underneath the sand. Indicating the presence of grid-like and ordered structures. The information was suppressed by the Supreme Council of Antiquities is Egypt. 🤔
#SoCo #2ndpost #new #labyrinthofegypt #ancientegypt #Egypt #history #myth #GM #Twitter
@nicolasl01 @MysticalShaman @Iwari @BCvalleygirl @egallager @DamiDraws @anthonydavis @Marty71717 @Autisticallyhandicapped
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@FrankCannon @CherNohio They need to discover it in more pleasurable circumstances. Since this is not CoSoAfterDark, I won't elucidate!
@Eulimnadian Snigger!
@Superstitionsee Be still my beating heart! 😻 ❤️
Shelby mulling over how to get into the purse for the Petsmart give card.
#Caturday #CatsofCoSo #Cats
TV/Web #news : Pete Buttigieg mocks how Ron DeSantis is trying to 'prove'
his 'manhood' |
TV/Web #news : Pete Buttigieg Epically Takes Down Ron DeSantis |
It's me. I'm the problem. I'm that person your mother warned you about! 'We all do well when we all do well' (Wellstone) #BLM #VoteBlue #Democracy #Cancer