@Florence Good morning, Flossie! Does Beethoven make you peevish like Lucy Honeychurch? 😆
@Notokay I'm just generally peevish!
@Florence It's a sign of your intelligence, darling. There's is much in this world about which to be peevish!
@Notokay Agreed. I gave up sulking as I didn't get attention. Doing this on a Sunday makes the mama go awwwwww!
@Florence Yes, sulking has less to recommend it. But peevishness, especially when combined with music, well, that's an attention grabber. And lucky for us that your Mama captured it in a photo! You are, as you very well know, a Star.
@Notokay ooooh! 🤗 peevishness to music! What a great idea! I shall put in some practice!
@Florence Do let us know which musical pieces find most success!!! 😻
@Notokay I'm thinking of, upbeat disco things!
@Florence Oh yes. "Staying Alive" still makes me peevish, though at this point maybe it should be my theme song!
@Notokay count me in on that! Shall we form a tribute band, the Staying Alivers? I think we'd be good!
@Notokay Snigger! Edgy is good, even better when least expected. I once knew a quiet librarian who suddenly held up the local Post Office with a plastic toy gun. I didn't see that coming!
@Florence I bet!!! LOLZ. Who would suspect cats and women of misbehavior?! We are paragons of virtue. After all, no one expects the Spanish Inquisition!
@Notokay Honestly, it was a mixture of hilarious and deeply disturbing. Cognitive dissonance at its finest!
@Florence I can only imagine!
@Florence I'm always down for edgy (it's the peevishness!) 😂 🤣