@Florence Good morning, Flossie! Does Beethoven make you peevish like Lucy Honeychurch? 😆
@Notokay I'm just generally peevish!
@Notokay ooooh! 🤗 peevishness to music! What a great idea! I shall put in some practice!
@Florence Do let us know which musical pieces find most success!!! 😻
@Notokay I'm thinking of, upbeat disco things!
@Florence Oh yes. "Staying Alive" still makes me peevish, though at this point maybe it should be my theme song!
@Notokay count me in on that! Shall we form a tribute band, the Staying Alivers? I think we'd be good!
@Florence Ooh, yes!!! Maybe we'll make enough money for your Mama to fix up her house with cat runways like in Amazing Interiors on Netflix (not otherwise recommending that show, mind--its pretty bad).
@Notokay maybe We could become a bit edgy unexpectedly?
@Florence I'm always down for edgy (it's the peevishness!) 😂 🤣
@Notokay Snigger! Edgy is good, even better when least expected. I once knew a quiet librarian who suddenly held up the local Post Office with a plastic toy gun. I didn't see that coming!
@Florence I bet!!! LOLZ. Who would suspect cats and women of misbehavior?! We are paragons of virtue. After all, no one expects the Spanish Inquisition!
@Notokay Honestly, it was a mixture of hilarious and deeply disturbing. Cognitive dissonance at its finest!
@Florence I can only imagine!
@Florence Yes, sulking has less to recommend it. But peevishness, especially when combined with music, well, that's an attention grabber. And lucky for us that your Mama captured it in a photo! You are, as you very well know, a Star.