I packed my truck last night to move for a few months to Kansas City. Loaded the truck up, cleaned up the house & made it ready for anybody that happened to stop by and stay. Up at 4 am, made a cup of Morning Thunder because I packed the coffee, loaded a couple more things, drove from 5 am to 3:30, checked in at the job site came back to the new apartment, unpacked everything and set up camp. All in all things look pretty good I brought a few plants with me, the place looks homey. Bed now. 😴

I kind of like it. So far I've only been hanging out for a couple of weeks and working stupid long hours. But I'll get a chance to go explore. I hear there is a great museum in downtown.

@FireMonkey The Nelson Art off 63rd and Rockhill is amazing. Whereabouts are you? North of the river? South? Downtown? Midtown?


Got the apt in Mission, and work near the sports complex. Drove by that museum earlier today. Last week found BB barbeque - with live music everyday. Here's the men's room wallpaper.

@FireMonkey I was going to recommend BBs. Jack Stacks, the original one in Martin City, is good. The midtown one next to Lidia's is ok if they're not busy. There are other dives but I don't know if they're still around. Mission is nice. Have fun. Enjoy those plaza lights if you get the chance.

@FireMonkey Yes, the Plaza just west of the Nelson a few blocks. Google it. It's worth driving through at least. Or used to be.

Well that sounds wonderful. I was driving by on 63rd? In the evening one time and saw a red lighted building and some others and thought "hey, it's looking nice down there", so good to know it's more than random. I will go investigate further. Thank you so much! 🎄💡

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