
So at noon today I was getting my truck ready for a trip to KC later this week, maybe next.

Then work called. I'm now in airport waiting for my flight to board, so I can arrive about midnight, check in to hotel about 1am, sleep maybe by 2am, get up about 5am, and be on site by 6am.

And fill out a security check (done) and shit-ton of onboarding paperwork, watch 2 HR videos, and an OSHA test, and a 20 page info and test doc from the RR before I can set foot on the work site.

This is fine.

And then the flight was canceled. So now I've made it back home. I had a bite to eat crawled into bed and have a 4:00 a.m. Wake up for a 6:00 a.m. flight. Whee, whee, whee!

More ☕ please.
Good morning 🌞 all.
3 hrs sleep, maybe.
2 hrs of RR video training en route.
Well, the pay is good, so no complaints.
Wheels up.

Welp, that's a first for me. I'm old. Missed that genre at the time. Can only say I'd heard their name.

Wheels up.

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