Well it's been a bit since I posted. Been a bit busy. The kitchen rebuild is coming along. Waiting on flooring - Wednesday? ...or Friday? Upper cabs hung last night, base cabs set but not final yet. Have to trim windows and doors today and tomorrow. Always don't have something I need. I have a week to finish. The last pic is what it was. Oh, and the whole house is covered in demo-dust. I have guests checking in on the 7th, but I'm out of town on the 3rd. Yikes!

@FireMonkey Very nice! It’s easy to see that you’ve been working hard. Hope you have a little time for rest, too.


Thanks, so far it's just been down-time chasing parts and such. Thought the other night we stopped for drinks and dinner. Then another long day. Today is less productive, but so many little things to take care of. It will happen.

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