
I remodeled this kitchen 10 years ago. At the bottom, how it started then. Followed by how it's started this morning and how it's going now.
Because of a water drip, insurance and overcautious abatement folks. There might be mold!

Far from sorted. Little or no info from the abatement folks, or insurance. Just squeezing my cheeks and hoping for the best.

@MrGoat Likely yes, and verbally so. Hoping for a fat check and I do the work and come out okay. I'll hire someone to cement and plaster where they tore out sections for the wall, and probably the drywall work. Then I'll put in a new floor, or hand it to my floor-guy neighbor. Cabinets I'll have to order, or make the ones they pulled work. They kinda fucked some of them up a bit pulling them - enough I'm claiming for new ones, but not so much I might not be able to make them work okay. 🔨 📐

@FireMonkey Eh cabinets can be found at re-store failry cheap imo - or just refinish yours and make do. Dry-wall isn't terrible Vs. lathe and plaster = yuck lol

They were custom ordered, mid range - above the box store - and I use the ReStore ALL the time, but you can't get all the right cabs for this. There's 2 uppers and base around the corner from the photo. I'll repair them if I can't get full replacement. And reuse them in the upstairs kitchen if I can. I just don't want to start that project...still redoing the master suite/bath up there. I've been living in a construction zone for almost 2 years. Worst is over though. Almost done.

@FireMonkey Oh no! Ugh, after all that work! I hope it gets sorted!

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