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BREAKING: Federal Judge Middlebrooks in Florida just hit Donald Trump and his attorney Alina Habba with SANCTIONS totaling $937,989.39 for abusing the court system.

Sort of like if in Groundhog Day Bill Murray's character had insisted on waiting for someone else to behave differently first


Aaaand with a fresh spoiler in play McCarthy has already lost this latest round of the Speaker fight

Already mathematically unlikely for McCarthy to win the gavel in the first vote. The chaos begins!

McCarthy is scrambling to make a deal too get himself elected Speaker. Now it seems like one bargaining chip on the table is offering his critics the ability to call for his removal more easily. Talks have the threshold coming down from a majority to only 50 or even as few as a single member to trigger a recall of him.

I'd say Hershel Walker's Senate run was a clown show, but minstrel show is more fitting.

I've watched Ali Alexander (Scammy Dingus Jr.) since 2007 or so when he was Ali Akbar and just getting True The Vote rolling. He's an architect of the Jan. 6th event and of the larger nationwide effort of election denial.
Saw him in another post and checked in on him. I found this interview filled with denial of Jan 6th responsibility and other deceits. But also his roadmap forward and who the major players in GOP politics are today.

In OR-6 Mike Erickson(R) started a lawsuit a couple weeks ago that is now turning into a sour grapes effort to overturn the election. Set to go to trial in December, he's going to disqualify Representative-elect Andrea Salinas for running an ad pointing out that he's once faced the risk of drug charges related to a DUI. He was technically illegally holding his wife's meds, and bring intoxicated suggests it wasn't for noble purpose. But he wasn't charged so he calls Salinas' defamatory

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