
Steve Scalise is the GOP's nominee for House speaker. We'll see how the floor voting goes.

Another day, another election denier floating to the top of the GOP pile. The man should not be in office. Let's end the Republican majority in 2024, shall we?


I continue to maintain that no one can be a worse Speaker than McCarthy was without performing literal criminal acts on the floor of the House.

@FearlessModerate Well, they gave us the election-denying Racist, instead of the election-denying pervert who hasn't passed any legislation in 16 years. Both are really, really bad choices, but there really aren't any good ones on that side of the aisle.


If they want "David Duke without the baggage" they can have him.

Let them.


We KNOW what to do - the question is - do we have the courage required to promote change and growth?

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