Please use caution when bringing Twitter nonsense here: QTing stuff to dunk on it ended up being one of the most problematic, toxic elements there. It kept putting people in front of me I'd decided to ignore.
I'll beg if I have to: please, please, please stop fixating on what you want to oppose, and live into what you want to give your energy to, and what you want to celebrate.
I've found that being in a "for" community is much more productive than being in an "against" community.
This goes for the "Fisman Sent Me" hashtag campaign, many of us here are giving this the stinkeye right now.
It's inorganic. People should just look at who's following Fisman.
I'd like to add that none of us has a clue who Fisman even IS, and "Twitter refugee" isn't assisting anyone in assessing that.
This "I HAVE BEEN SENT HERE" stuff, however, IS, and the assessment is not generally a positive one.
This is a lot of people getting off to kind of a bad start in their "new home".
We were already here. There's a culture. When in Rome, don't act like you're in Buffalo.
@sumpnlikefaith @mcfate
I'll be glad when the boost is back to working properly.