It saddens me a bit when I see Boomer-bashing here or elsewhere.

In my experience at least half of us were and are liberal, progressive, equal rights, anti-racist, pro-environment, hippie resisters.

Also in my experience, no generation is so homogenous or monolithic that they can be blamed or praised collectively.

It saddens me a little because, yeah it hurts a bit, but mostly because those bashers are wasting their rage on the wrong people, many of whom are actually strong allies.


@ceorl your generation has hoarded vast wealth and f***ed over mine while talking enormous amounts of s*** about younger people. Now you just want to pretend all of that didn't happen. There's a reason millennials are so mad at the boomers.

What I'm hearing is that you don't want me on your team, regardless of my views or history.

I'm saying that is undermining potential support for your own movement.

If it makes you feel good to say the blame rests there, fine. Good luck.

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