
If Cuomo resigns or is impeached, he'll be replaced by the Lt. Governor, who is a democrat. There's a BlueMaga conspiracy theory going around that all the accusations against Cuomo are a plot to install a republican governor. Those theories are Q level bulls***, completely divorced from reality.

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@Expecting_Words There was an effort to recall my governor last year, because GQP wanted her replaced with the Republican Secretary of State (theoretically next in line.)

Only the SoS wasn't elected - she acceded to her post when the elected SoS died in office. And our state constitution says only people in the line of succession who were ELECTED to their position are eligible.

So if Gov had been recalled, it would have been Democratic state Treasurer as next in line.

@ehurtley if Cuomo is impeached or steps down, the next in line is Kathy Hochul. She's a democrat. If she weren't able - for whatever reason - the next person in line is Andrea Stewart-Cousins, followed by Carl Heastie. All of these people are democrats.

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