
Any tabletop roleplaying game players / GMs have a preferred program for making battle maps? I'm trying to decide between MasterMapper and MapForge. I'm using a mac so I don't have access to all the programs, but those ones look like they'll do everything I need.

@jordicusmaximus I have a paid account on roll20 and run games over it. I make use of some of the assets they make available, but the drawing tool leaves a lot to be desired. It's very simplistic.

@Expecting_Words for sure, it's pretty basic. They have assets you can purchase I think, but I've not delved too much into that yet. I've ran a grand total of two sessions on it. Just a thought. The community for it seems good though. I wonder if any folks have map making suggestions in their forums

Seems like something you wouldn't have to invent the wheel on 🤔

@jordicusmaximus I asked here first because Coso generally produces a higher quality response than other forums/social media. I'm going with one of the two map making programs I listed, just wanted to see if anyone here used them.

@Expecting_Words fair. I wish I coulda been more help there. I tend to grab premade maps and make em fit with my campaigns. Let me know what you end up using, I'd be interested in checking it out 👍

@Expecting_Words I have to admit that I've become rather lazy of late. I tend to grab pre made maps from /r/battlemaps on reddit and just tweek them a little in the virtual table top.

I've moved from Roll20 to Astral as their 'free' option seems better for my needs.

@Expecting_Words My players prefer it over Roll20 as it comes in 'Dark Mode' as standard and with dynamic lighting and 1gb storage on the free account it's perfect for me as I only use virtual tabletops for maps and tokens.

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