I still haven't seen any evidence that protesting in large groups confers any sort of immunity to C19.

@Render there's really no evidence of any correlation between increased cases and the protests either. Plenty of evidence that bars spread the infection though. And it isn't like people aren't trying to link the protests to Covid, the evidence just isn't there.


@Render srs though we are truly f***ed. I can't say for sure the protests are safe or not, but I doubt they'll have the impact that the wildly irresponsible behavior will. There are block parties going on all the time in illegally rented homes. And I know those aren't safe. And this is in one of the worst hit areas in the whole country. People are dumb :(

And in other states... with bars open... doomed.

@Expecting_Words @Render Think original protests around 5/30 didn’t spread COVID much because numbers were low...that’s changing fast.


@yogapaddlerun NYC should have seen an explosion of cases following the protests which have happened every single day at multiple locations throughout the city. We had plenty of infected ppl at those rallies.


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