Today, we drop the Daughters car off to get the last things fixed, then she can STOP DRIVING MINE. lol
Now, while it's getting fixed, do I be responsible and go to Costco? Or do I be irresponsible and go to book stores and the Toyota dealership to look at the new 4-Runners? lol ( I think they are ugly but wanna see one in person)
I hope everyone has the day they deserve! :)
@Evereigh do both?😁
I am hoping my kid’s car is done before they need to go to work. We dropped it off last night at the mechanic shop to get one last oil change/tire rotation and a few minor other things before they take full ownership of the car. We sold it to kiddo and they only have 1 last payment to us…they were clever enough to ask me to get this last maintenance on my dime. 😂
@AverageCitizen Fingers crossed it's done in time!! And that is a smart kiddo! lol
@AverageCitizen I went to the Toyota dealership and they didn't have any 2025 4 Runners! So, that ended up being a safe stop. lol
@Evereigh If you're think of a new vehicle now would be better time.