
I asked Husband to cut some "sticks" to be put into the window tracks, so they can't be opened.......

Every window now has a cut 2x4 in it's track........ :facepalm:

I mean.....I guess it works.....*sigh*

@Evereigh Dowels work better and are actually stronger, and don't look like the carpenter left in the middle of a job.

@Evereigh 🀭 Men interpret the biggest sticks as being the best sticks. Perhaps you should've just asked him to use dowels. πŸ™ƒ

@Christmas_Snow I pointed out how large they all were and he said "That's all we have." Okay...but would you cut them smaller? lol He'd of had to get the table saw out and all set up, and that just wasn't happening, so....2x4s it is.


I'll just find and buy something online, I guess......

@Evereigh If he were my husband and ate sushi, i'd be tempted to offer them up the next time he needed a pair of chopsticks... πŸ˜πŸ™ƒ

@Evereigh AHAHA!! I dare you to do it. 'Hey hun, look at the cool chopsticks i found at Target today...' πŸ˜‚ 😏

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