Is there a trick to those vacuum storage bags? The ones for blankets/pillows....I have no luck with them STAYING deflated. After a few days, they ALWAYS reinflate. I've tried different brands and sizes, so it has to be user error at this point, right?
@MakerWerks Yeah, I'm squeezing with the clips AND just fingers, trying to make sure they are sealed....and still...they puff back up. I dont get where I'm going wrong! lol
@Evereigh This happens to me when I put too much in such a bag. Too much will appear to fit, but not enough for the seal to persist.
@00pi Oohh...this....this could be it. Wow. Thank you! Lol
@Evereigh Disclaimer: I've no idea if this is applicable.
I store my 3D printing filament in vacuum bags. They have a Ziploc style seal. I absolutely must use the plastic clips they provided to squeeze the seal shut. If I try to seal the bag just using finger pressure, they all end up leaking.