
Sat down to work on my temperature blanket, realized I bought the incorrect shade of yellow I need to continue. *sigh*

@Evereigh How is that working for you? I was thinking of starting one next year but don’t know how to figure out how many colors I need.

@llilly So, I am using the Daily Average temp, and then I assigned one color for every 9*. So, 60*-69* is a green, 70*-79* is orange...ect. I saw some that used A LOT more colors, and I just didn't want to have to swap yarn that often.

@llilly I am enjoying doing it. I printed out blank calendars and just record the daily average, with the color. I have a weather station in my yard, so it's easy for me to get the temp info. I might do daily highs for next year...dunno yet.

@Evereigh You live in a temperate region? Temperatures here range from -10 to 110 during a year.

@llilly Washington State. So, we *usually* don't get too hot and *usually* don't get too cold. This summer though.....OOF. Was a doozy for us! lol

@Evereigh i admire people doing temperature blankets. I started one last year and only made it through February. That might because I developed an overly complex pattern for myself however… may try again… someday.

@devBear I kept it simple. Single crochet, one row for each day. I am up to August 6th, I believe. Need to catch up!

@Evereigh that’s terrific! You’re not far behind at all… 2 months — 60 rows or so — can catch up in a jiffy!

@devBear Yeah, when I actually buy the correct color yarn! lol Ugh. I am such a dingus sometimes....

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