
I think I saw a meme from here that I shared with my DIL - JOMO, the Joy of Missing Out.

She and I live amongst a family of FOMOs. Yesterday she said to me “JOMO is real.” Luckily she has a partner (my son), who gets this. My hubby does not. But I am trying to explain things to him as he questions me as to why I don’t want to go to a water park (@kel, haha) with everybody while on a family ski vacation (I don’t ski).

Love being with family but no more ski vacations for me.

JOMO is real.

FYI, I tried skiing - and lessons - multiple times. I don’t like heights, crowds, speed. I used to have cold in that list, too, but I love winter hiking and snowshoeing. And I used to love x-country skiing but had a nasty fall the last time I went and decided that my aging body doesn’t need any more injurious aches and pains.

I really do a lot of things, I just operate at a slower and quieter level - yoga, knitting, writing, hiking, snorkeling (I love water, just not water park water).

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