I grew up a racist. Did I know I was? Nope, but that is how systemic racism works. Many of the "funniest" jokes I heard (& too often repeated) I now know were racist af. Having an open❤️& mind, traveling, really EXPERIENCING local cultures, & listening can cure your inner shitbag.
@fibonacci Absolutely, April. As it happens, I have Metis blood, and am very proud of it.
@EdgeOErin Well to be fair, white isn't a race. It's interesting to do dna analysis and find out what our ancestry is though and it can be helpful in understanding our past.
@fibonacci Agreed
@EdgeOErin Everyone tends to be racist. We are a tribal people. The trick is to recognize it and not let it affect our actions and attitudes.
@b2run Agreed
@EdgeOErin I was really bad for this and I "should have known better".
Travel REALLY helped. It really dispels the stereotypes you don't know you have.
@quinnsentialOne So glad you did so..and GOOD ON YOU FOR THE PERSONAL GROWTH!
@EdgeOErin And all white people benefit from racism even if they don't want to. It'll take us to fix this and being aware of our own biases (conscious and unconscious) are the only way that happens.