Offered with a wry smile, remembering the days on IRC where ops used to auto kick/ban people with addresses, esp. the ops in Linux channels



@Pat_Walrond @th3j35t3r
Some of us are so old, we had yahoo and/or hotmail accounts (we still use for junk) when both services were brand new, LONG before gmail ever existed.

@Eclecticmezzo Heh,, I'm 75 but I have to confess I never had a hotmail or yahoo account. Ny first was with my isp, and after that I went to [email protected] which was one of the kinda geeky ones offered by (now It's still my main email.. anything else is for junk.
🙂 @th3j35t3r

@Eclecticmezzo @Pat_Walrond @th3j35t3r


In all fairness, I've kept my yahoo account because I changed internet providers too frequently (prices always going up, so researched a better deal) and didn't want people unable to find me. Nearly 30 years later, I have the same account.

@Eclecticmezzo @Pat_Walrond @th3j35t3r

To add: I used to have a Geocities account, and it later merged with Yahoo. For awhile, I had the blended perks of both providers, but eventually things shifted.

@Pat_Walrond @Eclecticmezzo @th3j35t3r


That was my original home in cyberspace. They had their own site building tools, but I resolved to learn html (many laughed at me, saying I was making the task hard for myself). Very simple html. They allowed that as well as their personal tools.

A lifetime ago...

Recently looked up html and discovered it had evolved quite a bit.So I'm even behind the times on that. Sigh...

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