
Following the topic of creative makers not charging enough for their work, it’s in part because of comments they can get from customers. Many side hustlers wish to avoid conflict and be people pleasers even if the amount offered to them is a pittance. This song was written in response to people who try to haggle on a handmade item. Rude/crass language ensues, but I find the song honest and relatable, also cute:

@DubleveWands It always blows my mind when commissioners try to haggle. The price is the price!

For me -- as someone who's largely always on the commissioning side -- I always tip, and sometimes I tip a *lot* if I feel someone is undervaluing their work and they deserve more for their efforts. To your point, that desire to people please sometimes results in altogether too low pricing.

@DubleveWands For me my prices change due to the season. Fall and winter are harder times for me to fit in creative works time because I live so rural, we had fire wood thru the month of November and any time spare is usually spent stacking and covering the piles for the winter snow since we don't use central heat and air out here. Any art I produce during this time is made either when I found at least an hour or so to just relax or I genuinely had time to get started.

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