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Yes, is still alive.

Remember the dreaded whale from back in the day 😂 ahhhh memories

Good Morning CoSo ☀️
There’s lots of good news for coming out of

Years & years of science & advocacy brings hope for our finned friends💙🦈

I asked AI to make some dreamy sharks.

I think AI may be afraid of sharks or dreams or sharks in dreams 🤷‍♀️ looks kinda spooky



It’s still a bop. Don’t care what anyone says and the phone # still works! LOL!!! 248-434-5508

What would you do?
I know what I’d do.
There’s nobody on this planet who “ultimatums” me.

That’s a big FU in my book, but that’s just me.

Well now this explains why socks go missing!

I’ll see myself out now

Carry on…

I have been in the Swifty Ticketmaster queue for 2 hours with 2000+ people ahead of me.

My daughter better appreciate this effort.
The things we do for our kids.

Good Morning CoSo

I’m feeling like no amount of is going to help me today but I shall persist.

What’s the difference between a nudibranch and a sea slug?

Until I read a gorgeous new book on nudibranchs by Tim Nicholson I didn’t think there was a difference. Not so. All nudibranchs are sea slugs but not all sea slugs are nudibranchs.

Sea slug is the common name for any marine gastropod without a visible shell (slug-like rather than the snail-like) including sea hares & nudibranchs. A nudibranch is 1 type of gastropod among many.

Book review is at

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Alisa 🌊 🤿 🦈

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.