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This is just about the dumbest article I'm likely to see all week. They even indicate in the article why it's ridiculous. OF COURSE the largest declines are likely to be in rural counties, especially given the strong conservative lean. In most of those counties, five people leaving would put them at the top of this list. Naturally, the MAGAs are going to see this and talk about how EVERYONE'S LEAVING CALIFORNIA! Thinking maybe this is a masked IQ test.

The problem that no one want to tackle is this: even if Trump is found guilty of all counts of everything, and even if it was revealed that he’d never actually won his election- no matter how bad and stark the layers of awful get, nobody is prepared to undo all the shit he did. No one will remove his Supreme Court pics, his appointments, or practices. Nobody will remove Louis DeJoy from the post office. All the harm done is permanent. The bad actors know this, so the trial is really inconsequential. They killed Roe. They remove voting rights. They get everything they want, and we get what? Fuck all.

'Defendant is standing in the way': Jack Smith quickly moves on Trump's delay request

Special Counsel Jack Smith on Saturday asked a D.C. court not the grant Donald Trump's request for a delay in responding to a protective order request sought by the DOJ

“The Government stands ready to press send on a discovery production. The defendant is standing in the way.”

As a Buddhist, it's completely contrary to my principles to devote time and energy to coming up with novel reasons to make myself (or other people) suffer MORE.

@NORTHFAYY Here's what I came up with for your prompt: 'create a picture of Elon Musk dressed as a McDonalds worker'


More of Elon's investors' money publicly, loudly, and spectacularly flushed down the toilet.


Watching Star Trek Strange New Worlds as I eat lunch. These guys keep breaking the mold!


If you normally skip the credits, DON'T! It's the first Acapella Star Trek theme song 😁😁

I took yesterday off Twitter (X...WTF ever) for Twitter Free Tuesday and jumped back here. Stayed for today too.

I don't feel as generally pissed off tonight as usual.

Weird, huh? 🤔

I’m so sick of people and their issues with skin color.

All of them.

Folks, do NOT do what these fools do at the three minute mark! You DON'T KNOW what's in those tankers (though these are likely empty the way they behave)! Stay in your car, turn around ASAP, and drive away as fast as is safely possible.

Rachel is 100% correct… historians won’t ask “how could a President be indicted?”, but rather “how could this man be elected President?”

For those that celebrate, Merry Christmas! For those who don't, I hope your day is happy and full of love whatever you do, or do not, celebrate. Share your love with someone special, or a stranger you've never met. It's not about the day, it's about who you touch and how you touch them.

This has totally been my experience as well. FedEx is the WORST at package treatment (I don't give a crap if they walk on the grass). Amazon is usually very good, leaving it right at the door or off to the side of the entry.

I think those of us who are still on can throw in a word for CoSo and invite people to come over. I've been doing that for the last couple of days. I look around and most seem to be talking about or , so it wouldn't hurt until suspended you!

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Jeff - Not-Elon-Musk

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.