@Razdawg22 yep, I agree this looks bad first him and the SDNY did exactly the right thing, just as they, DC, and GA did with Trump.
@mcfate exactly my point. Of course they're not going to say anything while at the same time shouting about how Biden is weaponizing same over the Trump 19. They're a ridiculous bunch.
@MookyTroubadour Walgreens is the worst. Reservations mean nothing. For Covid shots it's all Costco for my wife and I. Unfortunately they don't do kids so it's CVS for our 10. CVS is still evil but at least they keep their appointments.
Listen all the way through.
@MookyTroubadour elephant-nosed cow? You could make that work 👊😁
@th3j35t3r one of the reasons for Heathering up.
@th3j35t3r smoking the cigarette you just lit off your exploding boyfriend.
Yeah, that's about right.
@LauraRepulsive I am completely out of Twitter now, primarily thanks to him announcing the end of blocking (no idea if he actually followed through). I jumped into CoSo more completely and made a new FB account (haven't been there for almost a decade) to connect with a few family and friends, and I'm good now. So much less tension!
Republicans against Trump -
Donald Trump is warning America that “Cognitively impaired” Biden will lead us into “World War Two” if re-elected.
You can’t make this shit up.
That's where you store your dragon. Duh.
Old school G+, Tweeting because there was nothing better (till CoSo), sensible liberal atheist who may inadvertently offend those addicted to a politician.