
Caught a few words by Judge J. Michael Luttig this morning about a new ABA-backed Task Force for American Democracy. Great idea, but one thing he said pinpoints why it will likely fall short. "It's comprised of national leaders who are eloquent and articulate..." Americans now don't want high talk. They want RELATABLE! They need to message with leaders people can identify with. Until they come down off the mountain, their messages will die on the vine.


You’d think we’d get that by now. Trump is living proof, that “relatable” is at the grade school level of communication. Anything that even hints at educated or literate is scorned.

Wake up America!

@LnzyHou exactly. People can be well-spoken and not sound like a first-grader, but they have to use relatable language and not tell people they need to do something because high and mighty altruistic facts, but that doing so will directly affect them in ways that are important to them using language and anecdotes they'll understand.


I think about my parents both with high school educations. They often made fun of me for using words they did not understand.

Education can be a barrier to real communication.

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