This is a huge problem. 22% voter turn-out. We have got to better! This is embarrassing

A trump collectable being sold on Ebay. There's nothing wrong with the economy. These people are just f*ing crazy

I saw this on Redditt. I sent it to my daughter. Her response: If "Fat Elvis" doesn't catch on it will be an American tragedy 🤣

I just saw this on Redditt. WTF? These people can't even pretend they're not cheating!

Baby blanket complete. Just need to cast off. Some errors but I'm happy with my first project

First section of baby blanket complete. Working on 2nd half. I wish I learned to knit years ago!

I am a great grand mother. Baby boy Greyson James. No pics allowed on social media. But here are the stats. Mother and baby 👶 doing well. Born at 3:17 a.m.

Just learning to knit. My grand daughter is having a baby boy, in the next few days. This will be a baby blanket. I hope to finish it by the end of August. We're giving her some time to settle in before going to GA to visit.

Finally finished the elephant for my youngest daughter. Largest peyote piece I've done so far.

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