You know the majority of voters in this election were young white men... 74%. And here we have them at yesterday, creating a hostile environment, harassing half of the population with their dangerous denial of women's autonomy and dignity. What will it be like after January?

@Museek I’m afraid of what I would do if I see this shit….


@AndyM @Museek If I start seeing this where I live, I know I'm going to jail. My partner and I have discussed it. I will be going to jail.

@DCliffo @AndyM if you see this happening it seems to me that the laws have already been eroded but rather than going to jail, get a bigger sign to point out the hostility and danger?

@Museek @AndyM Thank you. My emotions are running high. I live in MAGA country. Me out there with a sign, that would me jailed as well. Our Sheriff's Dept are all deep into the cult.

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