This was supposed to be at you @Cryspeg
@Jacklhasa I don’t get much feedback on Pinterest but have a modest following.
@Cryspeg it’s not really about the followers or likes. The idea is to use a business account, sort your images, and then use the advanced analytics to decide which styles to focus on more.
@Jacklhasa excellent advice thank you.
@Cryspeg the free business account is supposed to be powerful enough v for it.
@Jacklhasa I will check it out.
@Cryspeg I started setting mine up last night. You’ll need to create a new account, and choose business when asked. Don’t worry though. You can merge your two accounts after you r fully registered the new business account.
@Jacklhasa thank you for all the tips. Much appreciated.
Vulgarities like money. Show more
Vulgarities like money. Show more
@Cryspeg I understand. I’m also disabled. However, you can still try to sell your work. There is an app, Snapseed, that is free and gives you access to over 80 editing tools. The ‘magic heal’ can remove the water stamp.