@Jacklhasa I don’t get much feedback on Pinterest but have a modest following.
@Cryspeg it’s not really about the followers or likes. The idea is to use a business account, sort your images, and then use the advanced analytics to decide which styles to focus on more.
@Jacklhasa excellent advice thank you.
@Cryspeg the free business account is supposed to be powerful enough v for it.
@Jacklhasa I will check it out.
@Cryspeg I started setting mine up last night. You’ll need to create a new account, and choose business when asked. Don’t worry though. You can merge your two accounts after you r fully registered the new business account.
@Jacklhasa thank you for all the tips. Much appreciated.
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Vulgarities like money. Show more
Vulgarities like money. Show more
Vulgarities like money. Show more
@Cryspeg it was highly recommended to me a few months back as an alternative to a portfolio site.